This secret dream that iHave i'm going to share today.
This dream is one that iHave had ever since iWas a kid.
But now, its one of those dreams that iAm forced to leave behind.
Why ?
Simply because 6 weeks isn't enough time for me to meet Steve Jobs.
There have always been people that iHave looked up to, simply because iBelieve in the fact that no matter how good you are , there is always ONE person who is better than you are .
He has always held a place in my heart.
iWanted to meet him, and tell him how he's influenced me to make my presentations better ..
iWanted to meet him, and tell him how i've learnt part of how to speak merely by listening to his talks ..
iWanted to meet him, and tell him, that iConsider him a true genius of the world.
But iCant. Why?
Simply because 6 weeks isn't enough time for me to meet Steve Jobs.
He is one person who has changed the world .
He is one person who almost made me drop out of college (yea dad, sorry. iWanted to.)
He is one person who redefined presentations
He is one person who mastered the art of talking.
He is one person who will create a void in the world.
and definitely in me.
What would you do if you knew that your bio clock would stop ticking in 6 weeks .
Would you look at it like 1/8th of a year
Would you look at it like a month and 2 weeks ?
or would you look at it like 42 days ?
Why would it matter how you look at it ? You aren't going to get any more time . You aren't going to change anything .
Why look at the 6 weeks that you have left rather than looking back at the n years that you have lived.
Because as he himself said .. you NEED to look back in order to connect the dots.
One thing that we all really need to understand is that you're really really REALLY insignificant.
what you do whilst being insignificant, matters . It did to Him .
He has a messianic complex, and its contagious. he believed that he has to do something to the world.
6 weeks later we'll be able to see that .
iToo , have a messianic complex . iWant to make a difference. iNeed to be noticed . iWill do it.
iWanted to tell this to Him.
But iCant. Why ?
Simply because 6 weeks isn't enough time for me to meet Steve Jobs.
iAm pissed.
iAm irritated.
iAm not in the right state
iDidnt want this time to come so soon
iDont want him to give up.
iStill think he has a lot of people to change.
iThink "stevenotes" should be incorporated in the dictionary
iWant to cry.
Why ?
Simply because 6 weeks isn't enough time for me to meet Steve Jobs.
iGot this news a couple of days back and it truly did bring tears to my eyes.
iDo hope this is a rumour.
iDo hope that he releases an iPhone 10.
Because iWant to tell him,
Hey Steve,
There are a lot more things in this world that require an "i" beside their name.
There are a lot more things in this world that are worth a "stevenote"
There is always "one more thing" that deserves you.
But heres me being selfish,
iHope you read this and know:
iHave always wanted to meet you.
iWant to meet you...
Please dont ruin a kid's dream.
Please dont give me just 6 weeks to meet you.
Please dont give up.