Some people see him in deities. Some people see him as a spiritual being. Some people believe he was a human living among us.
Me, I dont believe in religion. Don't get me wrong. I believe in a god. I believe in a power but im not a part of those groups that separate this being into different sects demarked by religion. When we are born, inside our mothers womb .. there is absolutely no discriminations. Nothing to demarkate you from the rest of the babies in mothers wombs. Why does this have to start the instant we come out from those wombs? Why do we have to be judges based on which stars were where when we were born? Hell! Why do we have to be judged at all. Each kid, each boy and each girl must be let to their own ways.
If a "god" existed im sure he won't let these discriminations happen. He wouldn't stand by while we ran a blade through the others throats or raped innocent little girls. If god was a "he", im sure "he" would have done something.
That's simply the reason I don't believe in the injustice branded - religion. It just doesn't make sense. What I believe is that every man is for himself, or by an extension .. his family and that is all. Theres no "him" involved anywhere.
What I would classify as a god is merely nature. That's it.
Right as the moment im writing this, im standing on top of a lighthouse at kapu beach, udipi, karnataka looking at the sun setting behind the majestic Arabian sea after having done its days job. This, what im seeing right now .. is the god I believe in. This is all of it. The majestic ocean, the waves thrashing against the rocks, the sun going down.
ISO 100 . Shutter 1/250 . F 5.6
We seem to heavily rely on a person to solve our issues for us but all I see from right here is everyone minding their own business. Being themselves. And thats how it should be. Everyone takes care of the bubble that envelops them, themselves, their families.
I think that's all I want to say. Standing up here has just made me think of these things. From up here, everything seemed the same. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, jains, Buddhists, Jews. It doesn't really matter. All I saw were people and the bold nature bringing everything together.
there was 1 more key thing I realized -- without the nature, we can't survive .. but without us, nature would thrive. It doesn't need us, we need it. Its high time we realize that and act.
Lets stop fighting for our religions and start fighting for nature, for what helps us survive.
I'll go now, enjoy my time with my god while those people die in the name of something pointless.
Peace and love.
Beautiful. I too believe in the same philosophy and have always seen the concept of "God" as nothing but nature. This post reminds me of the song Imagine by John Lennon :) Keep writing buddy!
ReplyDeleteI am spellbound Shrayas :) Loved the line, "Nature doesn't need us, we need it!! " Truly true :)
ReplyDeletePoint one: God's "decision" to stand by while "injustice" happens, isn't reason enough to not believe in "Him".
ReplyDeletePoint two: Nature needs us as well, isn't it? Nature needs us to stop being selfish. Else, we'll take nature with us, when we die.
Point three: Not every boy and girl is capable of taking intelligent, self-improving decisions. There is need for direction, for certain individuals.
Point four: Camera settings in the middle of a discourse on God is sacrilegious.
Point five: Without war and fighting, peace would be meaningless. Do you value Times New Roman? No! Only when you see Comic Sans do you value TNR.
Point one: It sure isn't, but it adds to the other list of things.
DeletePoint two: Nature will survive without us. We wont. Nature doesn't "NEED" us to stop being selfish. Nature needs us to live and let live
Point three: Parents and Friends.
Point four: Firstly, its not a discourse on God. Its merely what i think. I'm no sri sri some idiot. Camera settings serves as a good diversion as i paused to think about things when i shot the picture.
Point five: I agree it wouldn't be valued as much as it would right now. But that doesn't mean for the sake of peace innocent people should die. It just doesn't make sense. I know the value of Serif fonts and where they are required. its not "just" because of Comic Sans that i value TNR. I value TNR because it does its job perfectly as a serif font !
Point one: What if God sees gain in our current pain? After all, if you study hard alone will you get a chance to commit suicide in an IIT.
DeletePoint two: Is it? Do you think nature will survive our cars and polluting industries and nuclear weapons and Allah?
Point three: Some people are loners. Some are orphans. Some are both. A lot get guidance from neither parents nor friends.
Point four: It also served to showcase your photography skills. Way to go, you narcissist!
Point five: Precisely. People being killed are not "innocent", when seen from the perspective of the opponent. As for TNR vs Comic Sans, we look ridiculous right now, discussing fonts when this whole website is outdated :P
By the way, I also wanted to show you there are people who don't just praise you for your verbosity.